Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Newest Friends

Ngga kerasa udah sebulan lebih gw kuliah...
Masuk kelas baru, jadi semuanya baru... jadi murid baru juga...
Bersyukur banget, ternyata temen2 baruku pada support semua. Mereka ngga mempermasalahkan daku yang notabene lebih tua sekitar 2 taon dari mereka.

Thx God deh, They dont act like I was something special. Not like my ex classmate, even not all my ex classmate (there an exception here. Wicak, u're not included here). They were suck!!!

Sorry... But Thats the fact. I felt like I wasn't needed there. They dont respecting on me.
different than before. here, on my new class. I was respected. I was honoured. and I feel I was needed here. when I absent on a class, they tell me about the duty from the lecturer. I'm so glad that I was here.

Guys, I'm so thankfull for what u've done for me. even u dont think that u did it. But it means so much for me. Guys, My new TI A 3rd class, thanks so much!!!
Wish on my New year after celebrating my Bday I become someone new. Thanks God, and once again, Thank you so much Guys!!!

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